As you all know when I was pregnant I became sick and tired and had no energy what-so-ever so I put the crafting in storage and went on a hiatus. My little man was born 11-18-10 and my hubby started a new job 11-29-10 an hour away. Obviously I was in no condition to move so he had to live with friends on ours during the week while I stayed back with our little girl and brand new baby boy. This was not a fun time and there were many tears shed on those long, lonely nights. So as soon as I was feeling up to it we went apartment hunting and signed the lease on 12-15-10! We slowly moved in and were officially all together on 1-8-11. It was so nice to be a family again and to have OUR OWN SPACE after living with my in-laws for 2 years! I have slowly unpacked while adjusting to life with 2 kids and no family wihhin an hour for physical support. So it has been a slow process but we are all moved in and settled.
My little man has been sleeping through the night 12 hours (have I mentioned that he is a chubster...4 1/2 months old and 19 lbs!) so we are transitioning him into the same room as my daughter which means the corner of my room where is crib is now will soon become my craft corner! I am so excited to begin crafting/scrapbooking again and to share my ideas as well as other crafters wonderful ideas with you!!! So this will be a slow coming back process but it feels so good! I will also be making a custom look for my blog again and if you would like to see it as well as other custom blogs, invitations, announcements, etc check out my design site SH Designs that I just launched!
So the first craft I decided to do was a Spring Banner since my little girl was adament on having flowers in the living room so this is the next bext thing! I bought wooden flowers from Michaels, modge-podged them, inked the edges, and glued them to twine!
I love how it turned out and my daughter even helped!
I will leave this up all Spring and then do a star banner for summer because as you can see we are a very patriotic family!
Thank you so much to all you fabulous followers for sticking with me and I hope to talk to you all soon!!!